This report aims to give you a picture of some of the astrological indicators in the horoscope that correspond with your health and wellbeing. The information in this report includes an assessment of your Natal Chart specifically focusing on health related matters. It includes a range of nutritional advice, stress management tips and therapy options. This report aims to provide you with some useful tips about physical health matters and also about mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
This information is based on the author's own knowledge obtained over more than 30 years as an astrologer and healer as well as additional research she has undertaken. The main focus of this report is to point out the astrological indicators that can manifest as health problems, or imbalances, and to suggest possible causes and/or treatments that might be of benefit.
When reading this report, don't assume that all the health issues mentioned will actually manifest. This report includes an assessment of some of the most challenging aspects and planetary positions in your chart, and as a result it tends to focus on potential problems. It would be a mistake to assume that all the health issues mentioned in this report will actually be experienced. Be aware too, that our Natal Chart is not a static thing. It is a symbolic representation of our potential, which unfolds and develops as we journey through life. Our conscious actions and choices play a key role in health too.
It is not intended that this report be used in place of a consultation with a qualified medical practitioner, nor persons qualified in complementary or alternative healing. It is vital to always seek out professional medical and nutritional advice where one's health is concerned.