The reports include an Astrological Chart which shows the positions of the planets when you were born. From this chart, interpretations of the meanings can be made. We look at all the different features on your chart and give you written explainations of what they all mean to you and your life.
The Trial button allows you to do a FREE sample report. The sample report includes some of the sections, but not all the sections present in the full report. After seeing your free sample report, you can upgrade it to the full report by paying.
There is a toggle button at the top left which allows you to switch from Store view to Examples view. From the examples view you will be able to view full versions of each reports for various celebrities.
Most Astrology Reports are based on an individual, but some are based on a combination of two people to determine their synastry or compatibility. The two person reports usually have something to do with a relationship.
You can first select to Buy the main report that you want. During checkout you will be asked if there are any other reports you wish to include with your order. Sometimes there are discounts offered on the additional reports.
On this screen when you save a report type it gets stored in the browser and you will be able to find all the report types you've saved by clicking on the My Saved filter button. Even if you come back on another day.
For single report purchases that are not repeating or subscription based, we accept PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Master Pass and regular credit cards via Square. For recurring or subscription based purchases we only accept PayPal.